25th Anniversary Stickers - now in stock!

Which of the two designs below would you prefer for a 25th Anniversary sticker?

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  • Poll closed .
Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you all for your enthusiasm to commemorate the A2's 25th Anniversary as shown by the response to this thread, and your patience while the design was finalised and the stocks obtained.

🥁 ....... (drum roll) ....... 🥁

I'm very pleased to announce that the 25th Anniversary stickers are now in stock in the A2OC Shop! Choose from Internal or External as before. In the end, the price has been kept the same, at £3 each. Don't worry, the Club still makes a little bit on each one :)

We also have small numbers of internal and external 20th Anniversary stickers remaining, for those whose A2's are still reaching the 20-year milestone, or who would like to commemorate both anniversaries. These stocks will be sold off at half-price, £1.50 each - but get your order in quick if you still want one, as when they're gone, they're gone :)

I will start shipping orders once the Shop's other vital stock has been replenished - stamps! Orders can be placed as soon as you like, but are likely to start going out next week.

With kind regards,

Fiona :)
On behalf of the A2OC Shop
Hi Fiona. I am being a bit dense and struggling with IT as usual. I am trying to order 2 of the new decals but cannot see how to do it. I can only order one at a time and if i try to order again the basket does not get updated from one to two decals.
Dave C
Hi Fiona. I am being a bit dense and struggling with IT as usual. I am trying to order 2 of the new decals but cannot see how to do it. I can only order one at a time and if i try to order again the basket does not get updated from one to two decals.
Dave C

Thanks for flagging that up Dave 👍

The Shop will now allow the ordering of multiple stickers of any type on the same order.

The product records in the Shop software for the 25th Anniversary stickers were copied and modified from the ones for the 20th Anniversary stickers. For some reason, these had a property of 'Allow only 1 per order', which copied across. I've now removed it from all the Anniversary sticker varieties.
I would love to have the stickers (both internal and external) and 2 A2OC-line badges (just in case if something happens with the old ones), but it seems that Finland is not a delivery option anymore. Is there a way somehow for me to get these items?
I would love to have the stickers (both internal and external) and 2 A2OC-line badges (just in case if something happens with the old ones), but it seems that Finland is not a delivery option anymore. Is there a way somehow for me to get these items?
Hi there, I do have a way to despatch Shop orders into Europe, that I have employed successfully before. I'll PM you later once I've done a little research on postage charges etc.
Kind regards,
Fiona :)
Hello - I am trying to set up an account to purchase items - I might be missing the obvious but can't seem to see how !! Could you please advise in order that I can get the items shipped to the UK before I return to France - Thanks
If you tap the 3 bar icon to the left of the A2OC logo at the top of the page, then scroll down to Shop. You should then be able to proceed with the purchase.


If you tap the 3 bar icon to the left of the A2OC logo at the top of the page, then scroll down to Shop. You should then be able to proceed with the purchase.


If you have not used the shop previously, you'll need to create a shop account.
The shop account is completely separate from your A2OC account.
I’ll take a couple of the square ones please, the round ones look like the A2OC is celebrating their 25th Anniversary.
Thanks for the responses - I have tried to set up an account for the shop but must be missing something - could I be guided by someone who might know - thanks !!
If you are using your mobile phone click on the 3 white horizontal bars on the top left of the screen it should reveal a black background drop down menu. Scroll down until you see "shop" and click on it. If you are on a laptop etc.... click on the "right arrow" on the black bar above in between "donate" and your user name to reveal the "shop" option. 🤞
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Thanks for the responses - I have tried to set up an account for the shop but must be missing something - could I be guided by someone who might know - thanks !!
Hi, you can purchase from the Shop without having to set an account up. Just go to https://www.a2oc.net/shop/ and add your items to your basket. When you check out, it will always ask you for an email address. You can check out as a guest, or if you tick the 'Create an account' box it will ask you to choose a password and store your shipping / billing details for next time. If you do set up an account with the Shop, it's not the same account as your A2OC account, although you can use the same email address and password if you wish.