audi S3 - Bluetooth


Hi All

Im new to this forum.

I was wondering if anyone can help me> I have 2007 Audi S3 wih the RNS-e Navigation unit which i retro fitted.

I now want to put a Bluetooth module so i can sync up my phone. Can anyone help? I have heard 'Tank' have these that are compatible with he AUDI's.

Please can anyone confirm this and if so, where can i buy from? and the other alternatives woud be useful too..

Kind Regards
This is the A2 forum;) But some had retrofitted a RNS-E into the A2. (there only was the RNS-D with 4:3 screen ever available for the A2).
But sure you can use an original bluetooth adapter for the RNS-E. And scince there is telefon mute-function, it should work with many other aftermarket adapters. But let's wait for someone else to confirm.