Bike rack

john f

In the images section of the forum there is a pic of a very sexy bike rack that sits over the rear hatch. Does anyone know what type it is and where it can be purchased.

Hmmmm...I thought that was a No No due to the possible damage to the very expensive rear screen:confused:

There are lots on racks, use the search facility in the boxes above;)

John the rack you refer to is actually no longer produced by Audi - Doctor, you are a little wide of the mark here, as the rack was a genuine Audi option, albeit a very expensive one (about £300 from memory).

As you quite rightly say though, there are many racks available, but none quite as sexy!


I thought the one in the piccy was a promotional shot and it never made it into production due to the loads on the glass etc. Or I could be wrong.
No A2 owner to my knowledge has ever had one of these racks.
Thanks everyone for the info. That was my first post on the forum and the response was fantastic.

I have just recently purchased an A2 (an Atlas Grey TDI 90 SE with Symphony sounds and DIS). I just love it to bits. I really do not understand why Audi did not sell more....or was it just ahead of its time and if launched in today's climate-change-aware-times be more successful?

I reckon the simple explanation is that it was about £5,000 overpriced - offset only toward the end of it's production run by hefty discounting.
