Electric window

Hi all. My OSF Electric Window is suffering from an intermittent fault. When I tried to close it earlier today, it was stopping or not responding and I had to keep resetting upward pressure on the switch to get it moving and when it did move it only moved a centimetre or two before stopping again.

Went back to car a bit later and it seemed to be working but another thing is that the window has developed a loud squeeky noise when it is in motion which I believe has only recently come into existence. I was thinking maybe the window motor was on its way out but does anyone else have any ideas? I did a search on the forum and some other people seem to have encountered the same thing. I shall have another search when I have time but as yet I have found no solution. Elsa has instructions for removing the door trim and this looks fairly straightforward so if anyone can cast any line my way then I would be happy to take a look underneath and see what can be done. Could the 'squeek' be a need for some lubrication somewhere?
something is trapped.

Trim is easy enough, as is the alu inner skin, you'll need tx 20, 25 and 30 and PX2 drivers (drivers, NOT heads!). Don't lose any bolts and you might want to sound deaden the door at the same time...

Thanks for your help. The furniture polish solution seems to have pretty much eliminated the squeeking. The stop/start closing problem also seems to have subsided. I'll keep an eye on it.