Engine Management Light Reset Sequence?


Hi all,

Just wanted to know if there was a manual sequence to reset the settings of the car. The reason i ask is that i have recently had an egr connecting pipe replaced which has had a hole in it for some time now. As a result, the engine management light came on as the hole screwed up the sensor readings.

Since having the pipe fixed, i have cleared the fault codes, but after 10 mins or so, they come back again. I assume the sensors now need to be reset/recalibrated now that the pipe has been fixed? If so, is there a manual sequence that can be used to achieve this as i don't have any software capable of this.

One of the codes that is coming up is P2205, which when searching for on the forums, i find someone has attributed this to a coils fault. All 4 of my ignition coils were replaced about a year ago so i'm pretty certain these aren't at fault and the car has recently been serviced.

Any help as usual is much appreciated

Hi Hollyz
I checked the fault code on the Gendan (VagCom dealer) web site and this is what it listed -

GENERIC FAULT - NOx Sensor Heater Control Circuit/Open (Bank 1)

On this basis it looks like you have a new, unrelated problem

Sorry, as far as I'm aware there is no manual procedure for doing a reset. Disconnecting the battery for 20min or so sometimes works but I suspect it won't in this case

Cheers Spike
Hi Hollyz

Just out of interest do you know what fault code you were getting when you had the hole in the ERG connecting pipe (the metal one to the exhaust I assume)?

I only ask as I am trying to solve an issue myself and have been looking to the ERG valve / supply pipes today...
