GoodBye A2


Hi All,
I'm trying to sell my A2 as i'm putting up too much mileage on it (approx 30k a year) and the problem i'm having is that i paid 10900 less than a year ago and now the garages are only offering me 6500 - 7000 trade in on it. It's so disheartening and i don't know what to do. Any suggestions? Oh i've tried to sell it privately and nobody wants it here in ireland. Not a popular car here at all! Cry...
Unfortunately depreciation when you keep a car for a short time is always steep. Though roughly 13ppm for your car is not too bad I'd say. But a bitter pill to swallow regardless, sorry.
The A2 is an econmical car, so ideal for high mileage. Keep it for another year and the relative depreciation should get better I'd hope.
Thanks guys,

I've thought about just accepting that it'll have huge mileage but my fear is that it'll end up being worthless regardless of how good condition it is. should i keep it forever? and if so what problems should arise down the road? i've changed the timing belt on it so thats that out of the way for another while. Is there a replacement engine you can get for it? bear in mind that i'm in ireland and there's not many A2's around at all!
I can also get a cheap car to drive around in but then whats the point in having the A2? Besides i don't know about the UK but here we can't have insurance policies for two vehicles.
Hi jonnycwh
If you still enjoy driving the A2 and it meets all your needs then I would recommend you keep it. The bodywork will last twice as long as any other small car and the engine should be good for well over 170,000 miles if properly serviced. Your long distance driving will cause much less engine wear than doing lots of short journeys.
Because of the rot proof bodywork and rareity in Ireland, you may even find that after a couple more years it could hold its value better than other cars you may be considering.
Feedback from A2oc members suggests there are no trends in expensive repairs other than anti rollbar bushes and the odd power steering system failure.
Let us know what you finally decide

Cheers Spike