News from the A2OC Shop for 2022

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Admin Team
Happy New Year to all A2OC Shop customers old and new :) This post is to let you all know about a few changes that are taking place in the Shop for 2022.

Firstly, the remaining footrests from Tom @2work's group buy have been set up in the Shop at
They are priced at just £8 plus P&P - barely more than cost - and we will order more if they sell well. Also don't forget that Paul @depronman offers 3D-printed infills for the footrests. A set of these really completes the look of your footrest when it's fitted along with a set of TT pedals in your A2! To purchase the infills, please contact Paul directly.

Secondly, we have been reviewing the Shop's operating costs. Having discovered that many orders placed in the last few years haven't actually covered their supply and postage costs, some changes to pricing have had to be made:
  • Item prices have been adjusted so as to make a little margin for the Club, and simplified. Of the frequently ordered items, all stickers are now priced at £3.00 and the number plate surrounds are now priced at £10.00. We will review prices more regularly moving forwards, to avoid getting into the same situation again.

  • Postage & packing costs will now be charged on every order. For orders containing multiple items, this will be at the highest flat rate for the items on the order. The flat rates reflect our actual costs under current Royal Mail pricing, but may be subject to change in the future.
    • Stickers and badges have a flat rate charge of £1.50 per order.
    • Footrests have a flat rate charge of £3.00 per order.
    • Number plate surrounds have a flat rate charge of £5.50 per order.
So the P&P charge on an order containing just stickers and/or badges would be £1.50; for stickers/badges and a footrest it would be £3.00; on an order containing a footrest and number plate surrounds, or stickers/badges and number plate surrounds, or all three items, it would be £5.50.​
Finally, having just mentioned them above, we hope to have some news shortly on the expected arrival date of the new batch of A2OC S-line style badges. We know these are much anticipated and thank you all for your patience while a new supplier has been found. The new batch is 300 pieces, so there should be enough for everyone who's been waiting to buy one. Watch this space for further updates in the coming days!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year once more, and looking forward to your custom in 2022,

The A2OC Shop team,
Ian & Teresa :)
A further update for Shop customers. We've bought a new batch of Number Plate Surrounds, the first since Brexit, and because they come from Germany there are now customs charges involved. On reviewing the landed costs, the P&P and PayPal's not insignificant cut, we've sadly had to increase the prices associated with this item.

The Number Plate Surrounds will now cost £12 per pair, plus £6.50 P&P if posted, with immediate effect. They're still a very good item for your hard-earned £12. We'd love the postage on them to be cheaper, but unfortunately their size puts them into a Medium Parcel.

Please be reassured that all our P&P charges are set so that we only just cover our direct costs associated with each order. The good news is that I will be bringing the Shop with me to all the socials that I attend, where you can buy Shop items at their basic prices without postage. I look forward to seeing you there! :)
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