Re skinning your worn out key fob/remote

Hi everyone, my A2’s remote was knackered, it still worked but was badly worn, blade wouldn’t flip out etc so I ordered a replacement shell off of eBay, £6.99 delivered. I had already decided to swap the blades over so it was just a case of removing the PCB and transferring it into the new case. A YouTube vid showed it was a case of simply levering the PCB off of two plastic posts. Hmmm. Mine had the PCB held in place by two domed headed brass pins! After some thought and closely examining the new plastic shell, I decided to use a junior hacksaw and cut into each corner, carefully severing the attachment points. Deep breaths and off I went. It cut easily and after 30 secs I had gone far enough with the hacksaw. After a little persuasion and going VERY CAREFULLY with a terminal screwdriver I managed to extract the PCB from where it had been for nearly 20 years! I then used small side cutters to remove the remains of the plastic posts from around the brass pins, which left me with the bare PCB. To be fair to Audi, the PCB is a pretty robust unit, it has to be I suppose with all the abuse it can get. I then transferred the PCB into the new case and secured it with a small dab of superglue on each post. The transponder chip came out fine too, that also dropped into its slot in the new case.

With the blade transferred over, the spring tensioned correctly, I went outside and tentatively tried it. Excellent, it worked!

Not sure if the part I ordered was genuine or a pattern part but it looks good and I am happy with my ‘new’ remote.