So, How many A2s in one place at one time?


I'm sooo looking forward to this: I will be flying to Germany tomorrow.


One of the guys from the German forum has organised a factory visit. Neckarsulm. We'll see the R8 and A6 being built, then have a question and answer session with one of the guys responsible for the A2.

We should have around 60 A2s on the front plaza of the Audi Forum. Yes, I will be taking photos :)

Can't wait.

Just had to share this ;)

Hi Bret,

Be sure to post links to pictures of this gathering.

We'll have to arrange a global gathering one of these days. I'm sure we could get 100 of them together somewhere!

Im surprised that we never heard anything about this sooner as im sure we could have bumped up this gathering with some A2OC members it would be great if next time we where also invited im sure a lot of people would be interested cant wait to see pictures .....:)
the main reason it hasn't been advertised is lack of space; the original estimate was for thirty people. The thread appeared at 11pm; by the next morning, it was over the thirty. I've rarely seen a thread garner so much interest.

Global meet? Fair enough. But where?

Will, of course, post pics; I won't have a reliable net connection until Sat Evening again, when I'm back home. I'm fully expecting to shoot 8GBs of RAW (so around 500 shots) on the one day. I'll have my laptop if I need to do more, but I hope not to need it...

We'll see. We're also trying to make a pattern with the colours of the A2s; one of the aims for a "global meet" would have to be to get one of each and every colour A2 ever made in one place at one time, no?

Our next and biggest social this year will be on 16./17. of august, . Annual meeting of the Audi A2 club members and non-members.
It will be central in Germany in Hannover and Wolfsburg were the VW factory is. (we will visit the VW-town).
so, the pics are, well, sort of done.

I had some fun on the way home: we figured we were late so I have an average of 130km/h for a trip including 20km of roadworks @ 60 or 80km/h. C30s are terribly impractical though.

I like Autobahns sometimes :D



Rest is here:

I'll put some other Audi stuff up later, including a couple of R8, RS6, S5 shots.

Great pictures Bret
thanks for sharing them with us what a collection of cars
i love the reflections you get one car of another and into
the building as the backdrop ...