Tidy FSI in Calke Abbey Car Park

Which one of you lot parked next to me (mine is the dirty Silver 1.4) in Calke Abbey yesterday?


I think I recognise that stunning FSI and sure the owner will be along shortly. You’ll also see either Project OEM or Project EUD parked up at Calke Abbey most weekends.

Kind regards,

That'll be me. Having taken my TDI up to WOM yesterday morning and seen @kraig22 on the M1 en route, I picked the FSI back up for the return journey, that I'd taken up the previous weekend. We took a spontaneous decision to visit to Calke Abbey en route back from Derby, with the back of the car full of daughter's stuff to bring home from Uni. And there just happened to be another A2 next to a very generous space, how could I resist? :) Sorry we didn't get to meet you, you were gone by the time we returned to the car.

Next weekend we're taking WOM's courtesy car back up to them and getting the TDI back, in which we'll be bringing daughter and her remaining clobber back home for the summer. But you might see it parked in Sudbury Hall car park before we head over to Derby to load up.