Vag com


Can anyone recommend where i can buy a VAG COM lead and software for my laptop so i can perfrom my own diagnostics on my A2. Also are they compatible across the audi range, as in will i be able to use the same kit on my A4 (2001 model).
Vag com users in the area

Was wondering if there is anyone with VAGCOM living near Solihull that is willing to help me out with a diagnostics scan. My EMS light has come on and wanted some advice before going to a dealer?:)
Was wondering if there is anyone with VAGCOM living near Solihull that is willing to help me out with a diagnostics scan. My EMS light has come on and wanted some advice before going to a dealer?:)

If you click on the map link at the top of the main page there you will find a list vagcom users, i think they are highlighted in red hope this helps

Cheers Phil