New A2OC logo - Vote

Should we update the A2OC logo?

  • Yes - I like the new logo and would like it to become the new club logo

    Votes: 42 58.3%
  • No - I don't want the logo to be changed

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • I don't mind either way

    Votes: 10 13.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



As you may have seen from the logo competition we have a chance to switch to a new club Logo if it is a popular choice.

BUT , with such a significant change we want to ask our members for their opinion first.

So we are giving everyone the chance to vote

This vote will remain open for 10 days to give everyone a chance to vote.

The proposal is to use the new logo instead of the current one.

The new logo (if we do decide to change) will be used on the forum, on stickers (and we will have some rear window stickers made, as well as the side window stickers) it will be used on clothing, on flags etc (but we will retain the "S-Line" badges unchanged)

The proposed Logo looks like this! (just some examples)
Big 3.jpgbig 4.jpgBig 7.jpgbig 2.jpgbig 5.jpgbig 6.jpg

A2OC Admin team


  • Big1.jpg
    300.3 KB · Views: 454
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We would like to get as many votes as possible (whichever option you vote for) please. So please vote if you haven't already.

I will bump this thread regularly to make sure that nobody misses it.

By the way we will still be selling the current stickers, the current badges, keyrings etc. So you will have a choice.

Those that like the current logo will also be able to order clothing with it on. So even if we do switch, those members who prefer the current logo will not be "abandoned".

Steve B
The proposed logo looks much better and more in keeping with the times, good call.

I fully agree and its good to see a 'veteran' member saying so. It's a brilliant design in my view and I like the way the the OC section looks part of the car. To me that gives a sense of belonging and ownership............. Ooh i feel like a pretentious art critic now!
I really like the new logo and when I saw it on the previous thread hoped it would make the final cut, for me it would mean I would want to purchase stickers, key rings etc.

The old logo just looked to dated to me and although I have wanted to share some club love on the little beast I just couldn't bring myself to as I personally just don't like the current logo and think it looks dated.

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I like it even more with the black background and red elements (similar to the current colour scheme on the forum)

And this style would suit a tailgate window sticker very nicely in my opinion?

Steve B

A2OC Logo.jpg
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I agree that the old logo looks slightly outdated, but on the other hand Audi did stop making the A2 10 years or more ago. The new one is certainly good, but I think there's a risk that it too will look dated in 10 years time and we'll have to update again. Also, the car on the old logo is instantly recognisable as an A2, but on the new one it's just a generic small car with an Audi badge on the front.

On balance I'd say keep the old one.

Is there a minimum voting requirement for this ? only 34 members have voted so far which must be a tiny percentage of the total, so is this enough of a democratic mandate ?
I agree that the old logo looks slightly outdated, but on the other hand Audi did stop making the A2 10 years or more ago. The new one is certainly good, but I think there's a risk that it too will look dated in 10 years time and we'll have to update again. Also, the car on the old logo is instantly recognisable as an A2, but on the new one it's just a generic small car with an Audi badge on the front.

On balance I'd say keep the old one.

Is there a minimum voting requirement for this ? only 34 members have voted so far which must be a tiny percentage of the total, so is this enough of a democratic mandate ?
You are looking at the wrong logo then because as you can see from the one I just posted it is very definitely an A2

it was only the first draft of the second logo that used a generic car.

thanks for a balanced response though. Good to hear people's views

Steve B
It's a yes from me. Great work and thanks to all involved. Now where do I vote?

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Hi, at the top/start of this thread, you should have options available to vote by selecting the radar button of your preference.

It's a yes from me. Great work and thanks to all involved. Now where do I vote?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

No, the S-Line type badge will remain. The window stickers would change though if the new logo is approved.

BTW will this mean the A2oc badge stuck on my car will change?

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Well I've voted to keep the original, but sorry to do that given the time and effort people have put into the new logo design.

I find the new logo off balance (lop sided) and don't like the letters A2OC cutting into the A2 car. The version on the red flag with the car above the A2OC does in my mind look better.

Another reason to keep the present is that the logo stickers fit nicely into the quarter lights.

The present logo is busy but it has useful information such as the club's web URL and it spells out what A2OC means. It can also be split and just the top half or the bottom half used stand-alone if that suits the purpose (e.g. on merchandise).

My 2p.
Hi Darren. No voting option on the message string that I can see. Though I'm using the tapatalk App (which appears to be absolutely rubbish - have also been trying to open a link to the Audi international drivers meet that A2steve sent me which doesn't work either).
Will give up and revert back to using my browser once I remember my password!

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Any new stickers can be in any size so we can still get them to fit wherever.

Not trying to persuade anyone, just didn't want anyone to miss that.

Steve B.