12 volt supply to Plug-In Chip?


A few months ago I fitted a plug in chip by PSI to upgrade my 75 bhp 1.4 TDi to 90 bhp. Unlike plug in chips I've fitted to A4's and Fiat TDi's, this needed a 12 volt supply to make it work.

Even after using Skiptons ELSA Win manual, I couldn't find a 12 volt supply I could safely use in the engine compartment and couldn't see how to get a supply through the bulkhead. Was pleased to see Skiptons thoughts on another forum today...
don't want to be a complete kill-joy, but you'll be in for a tricky time if you try it - getting anything through an A2s bulkhead is nigh on impossible due to the relatively small number of electrical connection between the engine bay and the cockpit.....
At present, I've run a supply from the panel under the passenger footwell, through a floor gromet, underneath the car, and up into the engine compartment - hardly satisfactory:confused:

Anyone know an easy way to pick up a 12 volt supply in the engine compartment??:)


Must work on my signature:eek:
The easiest way to do this is to take a feed from the sidelights and simply run with the sidelights on all the time - I know it's not the most elegant solution, but then neither is a plug-in chip.

The other (possible) way is to take a feed from the small wires which exit the alternator. These may or may not carry a 12 v feed all the time the engine is running, I've not checked their outputs.

Hope this helps.
You'll probably find the output of the alternator about 14V after the regulator. This should in theory be OK as when you measure the battery terminals with the car running it will be approx 14V.
I have a 'Tunit' module and this also requires a 12v supply. I have not checked this out yet but was considering taking the power from the back of the alternator. If this is possible then it would be worth fitting an in-line fuse in the feed cable.

Cheers Spike
Thanks, Skipton:p

A plug in chip may not be the most elegant but it seems sooooo much more powerful than the Superchip upgrade (quoted at 108 bhp) in our other A2!

Believe it or not, but the first thing I did was to tap into the sidelights. Thought it wasn't practical and after a few days, decided against it. I did look at the alternator but the connection I tried gave a 13.8volt reading - talked to the suppliers of the box who said I couldn't use that.

I'll test the smaller wires from the alternator and, if they don't work, perhaps I'll go back to the sidelight option:confused:

Thanks a lot

Hi Spike & Rob Earl

Thanks for your views.

What the suppliers (not the manufacturers) of the box actually said was that as the instructions said a 12 volt supply then, they could only recommend a 12 volt supply!

Thnk I'll give it a try this weekend.

When working on your alternator be very careful!

When I was removing the burnt-out supressor cap I momentarily touched the endine block with my socket extension and almost welded them together! Bloody good job that the socket handle is insulated.

The probability is that there was only 14v max coming through, but it's the current that kills you and there was plenty there, I can tell you.

Seriously, be extremely careful when dealing with the alternator.
12v supply to..

And of course a great risk of fire! Just because it's low voltage does not mean it is not dangerous. I have seen some nasty burns caused by people wearing headsets near unguarded low voltage fuse panels. If you are not sure, seek advice or get a prodfessional to do it. How do you know if the professional is competent? Well you don't, and I am sure we can all tell stories of "professional" incompetence.
I've done spanner welding before as well, it sure does make the ole' ticker jump, wot wot.

regarding the 12v supply - if it's something designed for in car use, then it's a given that it should be spec'd for 11-14v - as that's the sort of range you should expect - there is no regulated 12v supply in any car, all the devices on the loom are designed to handle 'alternator' 12v - which is usually nearer 14v most of the time.