Car Insurance with limited miles


A2OC Donor
Looking at buying a 1.4 SE i dont want to share my NCB or obtain a joint policy if i can help it, i wont be doing many miles with it maybe up to 2000 miles at best.
i called up Lancaster Insurance as these cars are getting over 20 years old i thought it would classify as a classic. He stated the car is "just an A2 se" its not a classic
has anyone had any success with any other companies?

Thanks in advance
I have my A2 on a Multi car policy with Admiral along side my Discovery 3 that was my main "daily driver" when I just had that. You get to state expected mileage for each car so its worth a look.
that's pretty good!! cheapest i've got with zero NCB is £314 with 750 excess
Trick I found state one year on comparison this gave me Tesco as cheapest, then go to them via link remove 1 year to 0 years and save a further £15! Nuts! However starting with zero no claims gave an initial Tesco quote £50 more than the initial one with 1 years. If anyone can explain please do!!
Wish I could get anywhere near those low quotes . Location Watford with 10+ years NCB on other cars , so starting with zero on any additional car , no convictions, driveway at home parking, nothing was lower than £450+ with 1000miles 400xs... when I got another A2 albeit 1.6. I think @rasA2 your quote is probably going rate based on location. if you find lower I'd be interested in getting a quote from same company ...
It is a modern classic so long as it is 20yrs or older.
Shop around you can get classic insurance so long as it is not a 2004/5