Essex girl jokes

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wooly A2

An Essex girl goes to the council to register for child benefit.

"How many children?" asks the council worker.

"10" replies the Essex girl.

"10???" says the council worker. "What are their names?"

"Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne and Wayne."
"Doesn't that get confusing?"

"Naah..." says the Essex girl "it's great because if they are out playing
the street I just have to shout 'WAAYNE, YER DINNER'S READY' or 'WAAYNE GO
TO BED NOW' and they all do it..."

"What if you want to speak to one individually?" says the perturbed
"That's easy," says the girl, "I just use their surnames

Very good


1.4TDI SE, DIS ,Leather ,CD ,ipod ,Climate ,Road Angel ,Tom Tom Go.
An Essex Girl is involved in a nasty car crash and is trapped and bleeding. The paramedics soon arrive on the scene.
Seems to be a B***s up, I'll start again.

AnEssex girl is involved in a nasty car crash and is trapped and bleeding. The paramedics soon arrive on scene.
Medic I'm going ro ask you some questions.
Girl OK
Medic Whats your name?
Girl Sharon.
Medic Ok Sharon, is this your car?
Girl Yes
Medic Where are you bleeding from?

Ouch !;)


1.4TDI SE, DIS ,Leather ,CD ,ipod ,Climate ,Road Angel ,Tom Tom Go.
You want "ouch", try this:
A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the foyer discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to move on, "why" they asked. "because" he said "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer"
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