Flashing Sidelights!!!!!!!

I pulled into a petrol station the other night and quickly filled up, so i left my lights on. Obviously without the ignition on the main drops and just leaves sidelights on. When walking back to car i noticed that my n/s sidelight was flashing, it was a very quick flash not slow like indicator. When driving away the system check said nothing was wrong so when i got home i checked to see if it flashed whilst the engine was running, and it was. I checked all other lights but it is only this one. I changed the bulb and it still does it. I have not used any of these LED bulbs so its not that. Just wondered if anyone knows why or if this is a problem?

Whilst i'm here, has anyone sat in there car with the engine running after they have driven the car up to operating tempreture? I did the other day and noticed my engine temp started to drop. Is it true that these A2's get colder whilst running on the spot? Again i just wondered if this is a problem or something normal for these cars?

Thanks in advance for any help:confused:
Yes, it can get colder while running on the spot.
No idea with the other problem...
Was the engine running all the time when it was flashing? So the voltage stabilizer (Spannungsregler) could be not ok. You don't see this on the other bigger lights, cause they are running with more amperes and the
ardent/glueing wire is more thick and heavy, so hase more heatcapazity.
No the engine was off in the petrol station and the sidelight still flashed. Its only the one side and only the front,if i had a problem with the unit wouldnt the whole system flash? It defintly has puzzled me!
Hi muttsnutts
Have you tried changing the sidelight bulb. It's a long shot but just possible there is a break in the filament which opens when it gets hot but closes back up when it cools down - a bit like the bi-metallic strip used to make the old fashioned christmas tree lights flash

Cheers Spike
I think Spike is on the right idea. Might be a poor connection (corrosion) or the bulb itself. My guess is that the sidelight also flashes when you are driving the car, only you haven't noticed: who would when the headlamps are on.
Hi All,
Thanks for the advice but i have changed the bulb, cleaned all connections and checked all the wiring and it still does it. And yes it does flash when i'm driving. Its really annoying and even my dealer has come up with nothing. They plugged it in and checked everything but it said all was ok. Its a very quick strobe light sort of flash and is very consistant, i'm surprised it just doesnt blow the bulb. Any help is appreciated, thanks