Hello everyone


I've been looking in here from outside for a wee while and have finally joined. What great enthusiasm knowledge and clear friendship I've noted - thanks for letting me in! And it's a great website - congratulations.

I've joined for a specific purpose - a change in circumstances largely surrounding advancing old age and the transport of grand children (and too many vehicles about the place) means we have to part with an old friend - a treasured A2 bought new in 2004 and owned by us only ever since. My wife has used it most and is often approached by people wanting to buy it - so I reckoned it would be pretty saleable. But it's also pretty special and I thought you all should have first look at it - at least.

I'll get it put up in Marketplace later and I hope you find it of interest.

Always good to have a cared for A2 in the fold, hopefully a member will snap it up. Welcome aboard if only for the time of sale.
Welcome aboard Tam, and sorry to hear that it will only be a brief stay, as this forum is as much about the friends we make here as the cars that we own. But thank you for offering the club members the first chance of a one-owner A2 with all its history known. I look forward to seeing the photos as soon as you can put the Marketplace ad together ?
Morning - and thanks. I ran into problems with photos on Saturday and when I went back this morning the draft had gone! See technology - old people - bah!
But it's done now - though when I read my own ad and consider the obvious camaraderie here - maybe I should just be keeping it! :rolleyes:
Morning - and thanks. I ran into problems with photos on Saturday and when I went back this morning the draft had gone! See technology - old people - bah!
But it's done now - though when I read my own ad and consider the obvious camaraderie here - maybe I should just be keeping it! :rolleyes:
Yes you should definitely be keeping it, even if to increase it's value as it's marked to be a future modern classic.