May I wish everyone on the forum a Merry christmas and prosperous new year!


Haven't been around on the forum lately as busy with work and life in general

Heres a little ditty I wrote earlier for all my facebook friends and thought I would post it here too at the A2OC
If it makes just one person stop and think when they have had a drink and take a cab instead then its done its job..

Enjoy yourselves but don't drink and drive
Its easy to do without even trying
Just raising a glass and you could be crying
No job no money, do I revert to lying
or drive while disqualified and carry on hiding

Perish the thought, stick to soft drinks or water
the police could be waiting just around that corner
ready to pull you for that broken brake light
Don't give them the chance to give you a fright

Say yes sir no sir 3 bags full
I'll blow in the meter, its no problem at all
I've only had coffee and water tonight
as I'm up wrapping presents and putting up lights

Thankyou officer I'll be on my way now
take care and be lucky like I was tonight
and hope your next customer doesn't prove you right

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and the new year brings good fortune and prosperity! :)