MFSW + Aftermarket head unit


New Member

Is there anyone here with a 6 button 4 spoke mfsw that has managed to get all of the buttons working with an aftermarket head unit?

I only managed to get vol up, vol down, track up and track down to work.
No MFSW adapter on the market seems to able to get the < > buttons to work or the Phone and R/T buttons to work.

I have tried all types of wheels (phone and radio), I have tried canbus and non canbus MFSW relays and the closest I got was coding the Canbus relay to the Phone with Voice recognition, this way the R/T button works and the android head unit I use is able to learn it, but i cannot get the 6th (phone button) to work or the < > buttons if module is coded to radio.

The relays i have tried so far are:

I had the can high and can low connected directly to the Android head unit, and also through Connects2 uni-swc5 which is the poshest steering wheel adapter you can get, and i could never get more than 4 out of 6 buttons working.

I have also tried swapping the Linbus modules inside the steering wheel to varous ones I could find, and that made no difference.

I'm short of making something with arduino or similar, as all the buttons work in VCDS output tests, its just that it seems like everything that's on the market only supports vol up vol down and track up/down
