New A2 Fan.......


Elspeth Beatrice was born today at 11.22am, weighing 8lbs 4oz with a full head of jet black hair.

Just like her big sister, I am sure she'll be delighted to be transported to nursery in "Daddy's nice blue car"...........

Mummy and baby are doing exceptionally well.
Elspeth Beatrice was born today at 11.22am, weighing 8lbs 4oz with a full head of jet black hair.

Just like her big sister, I am sure she'll be delighted to be transported to nursery in "Daddy's nice blue car"...........

Mummy and baby are doing exceptionally well.
8.25 pounds - I'm sure that is the same as Alex's baby Mya.

Congrats to you all - beautiful name as well.


Thanks for all you kind messages and good wishes.

ULP - ".....oversized MPV", certainly not!!! The sticker on the back of my A2 makes my thoughts about them quite clear..........