Redex fuel additive

Hi i was considering getting some of this for my A2 1.6 FSI which i just bought. Thought it might be nice to give the fuel lines a good clean as from then on i will start to use optimax style fuel and see if it gives better performance as per audi's recommendations for the FSI's

Any thoughts good or bad. Experiences? I've never used additives like this before and am just being cautious! :p
Hi, i wouldn't use an additive on something that new (i'm assuming that its not got really high mileage), on a 15 year old car you might see a difference.

Im sure all these additives meet all specs for cars and the cat, but if it ain't broke don't fix it!

Just my opinion

its got 75K on the clock so yes its higher mileage.

my aim is to clean the fuel lines so i am giving optimax the best chance to improve the engine performance..

no doubt after covering as many miles as mine has it will have picked up a lot of crap in the fuel lines and hopeully this will give it a spring clean :p

my other question is should i use the additive when i fill with optimax or additive and regular first then optimax?