Steph Cooper @Steve_c


Admin Team
I am sad to announce today that the A2OC Admin team has learned of the passing of respected forum member Steph @steve_c, on January 12th in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. At his request, he has been laid to rest at an unattended funeral.

Over the 6 years and more that Steph had owned his A2 and been a member of A2OC, he had written nearly 2500 posts, with a lot of useful advice and knowledge. Other than a couple of episodes of poor health, he was active on the forum right up to the first few days of this year. A quiet, private individual, few members other than fellow Norwich resident @Teresa had met him in person until, with her encouragement, he started to attend some of our socials during 2022. I consider myself fortunate to have shared his company at the meals we held in Norwich and Silverstone, and to have had the previous pleasure of hosting him and his A2 on my driveway last summer as one of @timmus' customers.

We are told that Steph derived a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from his A2, and that he will have relished the contacts he made through the forum. I'm sure I speak for others who met him, in wishing that I might have had the chance to get to know such an interesting person better.

May you rest in peace, Steph.

Here are pictures including Steph from last year, at the socials in Norwich (front left) and Silverstone (centre, next to @Teresa).

Afternoon Ian,

Thanks for letting the community know Sir. Very sad news to read and take in.

Already miss the short and to the point contributions Steph would leave whilst assisting in members A2 problems. He was always helpful and had such a kind nature about him.

RIP Steph.

Kind regards,

Many thanks to Ian @Proghound for writing this public post. Delivering sad news is never easy.

I’m pleased to have met Steph on a few occasions. He was a quiet, reserved man, but nevertheless had plenty to say once he felt socially settled. I really like that A2OC provided that safe space for him. Kudos to @Teresa for giving Steph the confidence to join our community in person, rather than just from behind his keyboard.

When Steph visited Ian and I in Leighton Buzzard last summer, he stayed for much of the day, happily chatting to the other A2 owners who came and went during the day. He sat in a folding chair in the sunshine, admiring A2s and talking to their like-minded owners. I like to think that he had a very happy day, and that this experience helped in his decision to attend larger A2OC gatherings.

He was a good egg, and will be much missed.

Rest in peace, Steph.

Thanks for writing such lovely words Ian @Proghound You have summed up Steph perfectly.

I first met Steph a year or so after he joined the Club. At the time, he was living round the corner from me and having spotted a lovely A2 every time I went to the co-op, I put a note on it to signpost to A2OC . Steph joined and later took me for a drive in his A2 to show me what his stainless steel exhaust sounded like as I was looking to get one fitted. He then came to my rescue back in 2018/19 when the A2 that I had stored a bit too long in my garage, had a flat battery. Steph realised it was an original one and I would need a new one, plus lent me the right tools to get the bolts holding the battery in, out. At the time, it was clear that Steph was struggling with his health, but he was absolutely determined to get me back on the road and his kindness and clear advice and guidance will be so missed.

Steph then moved into a flat across the other side of the city, so we didn't bump into each other as much, but kept in touch on the forum. I was so pleased that he felt able to come to the socials last year and although he was clearly struggling with some significant health struggles, he seemed to enjoy them.

Steph was a unique, intensely private, very direct, hugely intelligent and very kind person. He will be very much missed. RIP Steph
Always a shame to read about the passing of any member, especially one held in such high regard and fondness as @steve_c was.

Never met the chap, but the lovely photos serve to show the happy times shared in the company of fellow A2 fans and he now goes to the great forum in the sky - bet there's already a good conversation happening with @spike and all the other good souls who've left the club.
Always a shame to read about the passing of any member, especially one held in such high regard and fondness as @steve_c was.

Never met the chap, but the lovely photos serve to show the happy times shared in the company of fellow A2 fans and he now goes to the great forum in the sky - bet there's already a good conversation happening with @spike and all the other good souls who've left the club.
I was thinking exactly the same, we know that there will be some belting conversations about A2's wherever they are. I had a few messages back and forth with him, and indeed he will be missed by many. May the wind always be on his back...