Webasto repair video (not A2)


I am still getting around to looking at my non functioning webasto auxiliary heater and have been looking around for helpful videos etc. and found this:-

How I fixed my Fuel Burning Heater (FBH) Freelander 1 TD4 Webasto Top C

I hope forum members appreciate this as it certainly helped me understand how the Webasto auxiliary heater works and how to take it apart.
A great tip from the video is to to use a piece of pipe to connect the coolant input and output pipes together so that less coolant will be lost during the procedure of extracting the Webasto. Presumably after taking the Webasto out and topping up the coolant you could still use the car if a suitable U bend pipe was used.

I have been told that a scan indicates a glow plug issue and will be trying to at least clean or replace that.
Now, if i can just get at that last lower bolt (there's always one that refuses to budge, or is so difficult to get at, whatever I am working on in my experience) that holds the Webasto mount to the car I will be able to get it out and take it apart and clean it out.