
  1. Evripidis

    [1.6 fsi dipstick repair] - Aliexpress special

    Well, I haven't been able to keep tabs on the oil consumption on the new motor. I got a replacement dipstick from aliexpress with part number 8Z0115611E. 1. The sump end is the same as the one on the FSI, i.e., orange plastic bit and wire rope. 2. It is longer than the one on the FSI. I order...
  2. Evripidis

    [1.6 fsi bad] - Hot climate coding

    Hi all, I noticed in the label file for VCDS that there can be a hot climate option coded. Does anyone know if this is related to an additional water pump and or thermostat coding? If I ever get this fixed it could be beneficial. Maybe for other owners too. Evros
  3. q292u

    What to check before I buy a 1.6FSI?

    You know how A2s tend to multiply? Well, I currently own a 1.4SE petrol, and I'm about to go and view a 1.6 FSI.. What do I need to make sure I look at/test? Any big differences from the 1.4?
  4. Project_Audi_A2

    ECU (Pro Boost) Failure (Warranty?)

    Hello, Two weeks ago my car failed to start. Engine turned plenty but with zero ignition. I had the car picked up and dropped off at the garage. When the mechanic finally got round to looking at it a week later the car started fine and he could not find anything wrong with it. Present day, I...
  5. Project_Audi_A2

    Replacement Tappets Lifters FSI

    Hi Folks, I tried looking around the forum for information on this but didn't find anything. My next project on my car is to replace the tappets/lifters on my engine. There are many reasons I would like to do this, the main really comes down to it being a hobby. So please don't use this...
  6. 2work

    Project Merlot

    Hello all, May I take this opportunity to introduce you all to Project Merlot, a January 2003 FSI Sport stunningly presented in Merlot Red. Some of you have seen that the family has recently grown after responding to this thread. To save time scanning through the link, here are the pictures...
  7. Yellow_Peril

    Project FSI - "The Yellow Peril"

    Afternoon all, after being quiet for a while (I've been busy!!!) I'm starting a project/maintenance & fault finding thread about my FSI - the somewhat aptly named "Yellow Peril" by a friend (You'll find out why soon enough!). ? Hopefully in time this will add to an already really helpful...
  8. O

    1.6 FSI Coolant loss

    Good evening. I'm hoping for some experienced A2OC forum member to help me work out what I need to do to repair my A2 before I simply end up slinging money at the problem. The story: On Friday my partner drove about 18 miles home from work, and about 10 miles in noticed steam coming from the...
  9. Evripidis

    [1.6 FSI] - Death Pipe Replaced - Now Huge Leak.

    Hi all, I am looking for ideas please so anyone that knows anything please let me know. I replaced the death pipe along with a tonne of other things. Replaced with a genuine part with brand new o-rings both sides. Leaks like mad. Any ideas? Regards, Evros
  10. Evripidis

    [1.6 FSI] - Intake Valve Cleaning DIY

    OK, no pictures because this is a horrible and messy job so I am only giving tips because this must have been covered at least 1 billion times online. 1. Get to the valves. 2. Start with the cylinder closer to the cambelt or any other cylinder for that matter as long as you rotate the engine to...
  11. Phil FSI

    To keep or not to keep worn parts

    My FSI is having a new alternator fitted today. Battery light came on last week followed by various terrifying symbols and BLEEPS coming from the DIS regarding brakes and steering, by the time I got home I could barely move the steering. Was driving in the old days really that hard work ...
  12. sciroccorrado

    Project PureRed

    SCIROCCORRADO PRODUCTIONS take great pleasure in introducing ... PROJECT PureRed An Audi production - 2003 1.6 FSI SE So here's a story for you, about a year ago before lockdown happened a friend mentioned that he was just servicing a rather nice A2 that the little ol' lady selling was...
  13. Evripidis

    [1.6 FSI] - GKZ Gearbox Clutch/Bearing Problem

    Hi all, I have had the car back on the road for 2 weeks and now it appears that the release bearing is shot. There is a horrible screeching noise when depressing the pedal when in neutral. Goes away when released. Am I right in thinking that I have to do both clutch and bearing in one go...
  14. StefanoP

    Low compression on my FSI....what to do?

    Dear all, I was wondering how come that the flap of my FSI was repeatedly blocked due to oil vapours and finally I asked my mechanics to check the compression ratio of the cylinders. As was probably obvious, the compression on this 90.000 miles engine is very low in all cylinders, (from 5,4:1...
  15. StefanoP

    VW Group engine like a 1.6 FSI...?

    Hello all, I hope that you are all well in your country, here in Italy we are still a bit worried but things are apparently not as bad as they were in March. I'm asking if anyone knows if other car(s) in the VW galaxy did fit an engine similar or identical to our beloved (sarcasm here) 1.6 FSI...
  16. Phil FSI

    FSI ProBoost & new exhaust

    Hi all Planning ahead here (I hope) and looking at exhaust options. I can hear something rattling and I’m thinking cat or baffles? I’m running a pro boost so does that mean I won’t need a cat on the new one? Exhaust options, I’d like something maybe stainless. Has anyone got experience of...
  17. StefanoP

    Difficult FSI cold starting

    Good afternoon all, having renewed most of my 1.6 FSI during the last six months, I'm driving her around a bit waiting, now, for a new windscreen. (Mine is badly scratched by the previous owner not caring to use the wipers without any windscreen washer fluid, etc.). It has been a long journey...
  18. Topsie

    *** FSI Erratic Running Possible Solution ***

    I'll start this by saying I should of taken pictures and that this may not solve FSI issues for everyone. So, i started noticing a strange clicking noise coming from under the bonnet when I turned on my ignition, I assumed this was normal, one of the solenoid etc. however the clicking...
  19. P

    More FSI Misfires

    Trying to track down the cause of misfire codes on an FSI - problem arose on starting, the car had been parked for a couple of hours after a brisk 40 mile motorway journey. Engine light was flashing at idle and the following codes weres stored: 16684 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire...
  20. Topsie

    FSI Hesitation - Finally got VCDS

    Well, it isn't pretty. Symptoms are an intermittent lack of power which manifested itself to barely being able to move. No obvious rattles or knocks from the engine. Here are they codes, any ideas? Address 01: Engine Controller: 036 906 013 F Component: MED7.5.11 5130...