Hello guys, i have a a2 with no working steering.I check with vcds an I have the following fault ----- 00817 - steering assist temperatur. In order to repair the car I change the pump with another used and I have the same error. The car was involved in a small crash in the left wheel and I supose that in the steering rack is somthing moved/blocked and the pump overheat because of that. Any sugestions ?
how did you diagnose this as been at fault? Top work!!Problem solved ! The problem was a stuck conection valve that connect the steering hose to the steering rack.
I'll have the garage take a look at it in more detail.The male side of connectors are fitted vertically so water should not get in to the live parts at all unless the connector is cracked or broken to allow moisture ingress, you could remove both connectors dry them & put and smear a coating of a glue etc on the surface insuring the locking point does not get any glue, let them dry & plug them back in.
Also its possible the electrical circuit within the pump has water damage in which case needs replacing.